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06.18 M.L. Results

Click here for the table view of men's league results 06.18 which has the same information as below.

Game: Two-Man Alternate Shot


JOE DURHAM & MIKE LOSKOTA: score=73, handicap=16, net=57. 1st place
KEN ARMSTRONG & D. TRAMMELL: score=73, handicap=11, net=61. 2nd place.
   Tie breaker hole #13-4
DICK DAY & BILLY VERSAW: score=75, handicap=14, net=61. 3rd place.
   Tie breaker hole #13-5
TROY HODNETT & MIKE PARKER: score=75, handicap=13, net=62
JOHN CROUCH & PHIL HAMBY: score=78, handicap=16, net=62
MARK CONLEY & COTTON GREEN: score=77, handicap=14. Net=63
RICK BRASHIER & PAUL CHILSON: score=76, handicap=11, net=65
KEITH HARRIS & MAX WILKINS: score=77, handicap=12, net=65
MARK ELLISON & B. STAHLMAN: score=79, handicap=14, net=65
SCOT PARKER & BOB MANETH: score=81, handicap=16, net=65
VERN BERRY & J. JUDKINS: score=83, handicap=15, net=68
SCOTT KOPLIN & DEAN PETTY: score=83, handicap=14, net=69


JIM JENKINS & LEE MILLER: score=77, handicap=17, net=60. 1st place
LARRY KELLEY & W. KOSKINEN: score=82, handicap=20, net=62. 2nd place.
   1st tie breaker hole #13-6. 2nd tie breaker hole #4-4
J. KULIKOWSKI & MITCH CONLEY: score=94, handicap=32, net=62. 3rd place.
   1st tie breaker hole #13-6. 2nd tie breaker hole #4-6
CARL CALHOON & JR FRANZEN: score=87, handicap=25, net=62.
   Tie breaker hole #13-7
RICK BLACK & DAVE HEINKEL: score=82, handicap=19, net=63
GEORGE SHRIVER & RICK HAWKINS: score=94, handicap=30, net=64
FRANK MAUPIN & TRIP WILSON: score=86, handicap=21, net=65
REGAN CURNUTT & FRED PAVLAK: score=87, handicap=20, net=67
JOHN KOEHN BILL & REYNOLDS: score=89, handicap=22, net=67
BRIAN KAHRE & B. BRODERSON: score=87, handicap=18, net=69
BOB DANIELS & B. STRAYZINSKI: score=88, handicap=19, net=69
DALE HEINSOHN & JOHN SOMMER: score=96, handicap26, net=70


Closest to the Pin
Hole #2: Dave Trammell - 4'10"
Hole #6: Lee Miller - 7'
Hole #11: Fred Pavlak - 3'5"
Hole #14: TROY HODNETT - 6'6"

Longest putt on hole #17
Billy Versaw - 20'8"